Quran 25:70- Allah says “Except him who repents and believes and does righteous work; as for such, Allah will change their evil deeds to good deeds. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful."
A man came to the Prophet (S) and said: “What do you make of a man who did every single sin and did not leave any sin whatsoever, and he did not leave any desire — big or small — except that he fulfilled it. So is there any repentance for him?”
The Prophet (S) said: “So did you accept Islam?”
He said: “As for me, I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship besides Allah — He is One and has no partners — and you are the messenger of Allah (i.e. yes)”.
The Prophet (S) said: “Yes, do good deeds and leave sins and Allah will turn all your sins into good deeds.”
He said: “Even my treachery/betrayals and my immorality?”
The Prophet (S) said: “Yes”.
The man said: “Allahu Akbar!” and he continued saying it until he left.
(Al-Bazzar and Al-Tabarani)
Is there any system of human justice today in this world that takes a convicted criminal’s past “criminal record” and converts it into a "record of honorable achievements"? No. But Allah, the Most-Merciful — depending on the sincerity of the one who repents and his steadfastness on the path of righteousness — Allah will convert their past sins into good deeds! And yet, how many of us who have gone far, far ahead in a life of sins and disobedience to Allah, often get deluded by thinking: “But I can’t turn back now. Allah won’t possibly forgive all the wrongs I have done.” Well, think again. It is never too late.
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