This is a reminder for you and for me.

We can become so ungrateful that we spend our lives by missing out
and failing to enjoy the blessings we have been granted with.
You must have come across people who are just not happy with their lot, no matter what.
Young girls who are miserable because there is a delay in them
finding a suitable ” suitor”, agonizing when they hear about their
friends getting married.
mums who enviously look at childless women and wish for a tidier house,
time to themselves, uninterrupted nights , exotic holidays…

The financially challenged wishing for affluence.
The wealthy wishing for less stressful lives and more time.
The list is endless.
The cycle of ingratitude continues throughout some people’s lives.
There is Divine Wisdom and a great reward for those who are happy with Allah’s Decree.
‘A’isha reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him)
as saying: There is nothing (in the form of trouble) that comes to a
believer even if it is the pricking of a thorn that there is decreed for him by Allah good or his sins are obliterated. Sahih Muslim (Book #032, Hadith #6241)
Allah (swt) Says in the Holy Qur’an:
“…Allâh is pleased with them and they (pleased)with Him. That is the great success (Paradise). (Al-Ma’idah 5:119)
But how can we achieve this ?
“Do not look to those above you. Look to those below you, as it will more likely remind you of Allah’s favors bestowed on you.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Here I would like to mention the serious matter of being displeased not only with the Decree of Allah (swt) but also with any aspect of the Islamic faith.
There is a clear warning in the following ayaat:
Allah says:
But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make
you (O Muhammad SAW) judge in all disputes between them, and find in
themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with
full submission. (An-Nisa 4:65)
No Faith= Disbeliever
Lets all work hard towards being of those who are pleased with what Allah (swt) has decreed for us.
Imagine how happy and at peace you will be when your last best friend
rings you to let you know she is getting married or the most expensive
sports car is parked at your neighbour’s drive and you are truly and
from the bottom of your heart happy for them.
May Allah (swt) Forgive us for our shortcomings and may we be of the grateful ones.
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