Sunday, December 9, 2012

Non-Muslim Celebrations

Wishing non-muslims on their festivals? 

"Congratulating the kuffaar on the rituals that belong only to them is haraam by consensus, as is congratulating them on their festivals and fasts by saying ‘A happy festival to you’ or ‘May you enjoy your festival,’ and so on. If the one who says this has been saved from kufr, it is still forbidden. It is like congratulat
ing someone for prostrating to the cross, or even worse than that (i.e. it is like encouraging their act of joining partners with the one, true God). Whoever congratulates a person for his disobedience or bid’ah (innovations) or kufr (disbelief) exposes himself to the wrath and anger of Allaah."
(Ibn al-Qayyim, in Ahkaam Ahl al-Dhimmah)

So congratulating them is forbidden, whether they are one’s colleagues at work or otherwise.

Accepting their invitation to join their celebration?

It is haraam for a Muslim to accept invitations on such occasions, because this is worse than congratulating them as it implies taking part in their celebrations, and thus, helping them to commit transgression. Taking part in their festivals also involves imitating the kuffaar, which is forbidden in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” (Reported by Abu Dawood and Ahmad).

Whoever does anything of this sort is a sinner, whether he does it out of politeness or to be friendly, or because he is too shy to refuse, or for whatever other reason, because this is hypocrisy in Islaam.

 Accepting their invitation for a meal?

If what is referred to is accepting an invitation to a meal, for example, and there is nothing involved that is forbidden in Islam, such as mixing of men and women, or foods forbidden by Allaah such as wine and pork, or dancing and music and so on, and this participation does not imply that one loves these kuffaar, then there is nothing wrong with accepting their invitation. He should try to convey the message of Islam to them. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) accepted the invitation of some of the Jews. (Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid)

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