Many Muslims have a misconception that having fun is Haraam. Nothing
could be further from the truth as having fun is part of human nature
and Islam is the religion of Al-Fitrah (Human Nature). Unfortunately,
despite the fact that most forms of entertainment are Halal, many
Muslims seem to indulge in the Haraam forms instead.
So here are my top ten favorite Halal things to do for fun. But
remember even Halal forms of entertainment become Haraam through
overindulgence and neglecting your Islamic duties:
10. Eating out:
Everybody enjoys going out to their favorite fast food joint and
enjoying a delicious chicken tikka or burger. This is completely Halal
and extremely fun, especially when you go with company, so go ahead and
enjoy yourself… just make sure the chicken is Halal!

9. Reading:
Not everybody enjoys this but I do, there is nothing like a good book
to take your mind of things and help you relax. Of course one must
choose a book whose content in Halal and it is preferable to read books
by Muslims, unless you have reached the level of knowledge to read
Non-Muslim books, and separate the good from the evil.
Don’t forget that the first command in the Quran was to “READ” so enjoy your reading, and may Allah help us all reach the level where we enjoy reading Islamic books.
8. Swimming:
This one is recommended by the prophet (peace & blessings be upon him), and there
is no better way to cool off on a hot day! So make sure your Satr is
covered and enjoy the water in the upcoming summer.
7. Relaxing:
We all need a break and nobody can pray all day, the prophet (peace
& blessings be upon him) recommended that we will our lives in balance and said, “A time for your Lord and a time for yourself,” meaning that we should
split our day and balance between Islamic work and living life. So do
not stress, when you get tired, sit back and relax. Its perfectly Halal,
just don’t sleep through any salah times.
6. Video Games and Videos:
Not all video games and videos are Haraam; it’s the content that
matters. So if you enjoy playing video games and can balance without
getting addicted, make sure you only buy Halal games (that means no
Grand Theft Auto!). The same with videos, watch
something Islamic or something beneficial and keep away from movies as they contain uncovered women, music, shameless scenes and immoral teachings. It it okay to watch a movie if it has little bit of Haraam in it? Sheikh kamal el mekki gives you the answer:
Most importantly, do not get addicted and sit till Fajr time playing
Pro Evolution Soccer, because that would then become haraam. So balance
and be careful and responsible when choosing the content, and do not try
to fool yourself that a certain movie is halal when you know it is not,
because you can not fool Allah or the angels sitting with you watching
and writing down every moment into your book of deeds.
5. Nature:
I love nature! Whether it is the ocean, forests, animals, I just love
being out in the natural environment. It is one of those times when I
feel closest to Allah and feel peace inside me. There is no feeling
equal to praying under a tree or on a mountain. Take my word for it and
book your next family holiday at some place natural, like the
Drakensburg Mountains of South Africa. It is Beautiful!
4. Nasheeds:
I love Nasheeds, in them I have found the perfect replacement for
music and a source of both joy and education for myself. Make sure you listen to halaal nasheeds (voice-only nasheeds, and according to some scholars daff nasheeds are permissible) so load your cars with
Zain Bhikha, Kamaluddin, Talib al-Habib etc. and throw out the Haraam music, and
enjoy Halal beneficial entertainment as you drive to work and back!
3. Hanging out with the right crowd:
Your friends either make you or break you. The prophet (peace & blessings be upon
him) said, “Every person follows the religion of his best friend so be
careful whom you befriend”.
Since we are all social beings, hanging out and socializing will be
high on our list of ways of having fun, yet it is so important to have
the right friends. Your friends are the ones who encourage
you to pray or to skip the prayer and catch a movie. They are the ones who tell you your Hijab looks beautiful or that it makes you look old. In the end, whom you choose to hang out with, makes the biggest difference in who you become.
you to pray or to skip the prayer and catch a movie. They are the ones who tell you your Hijab looks beautiful or that it makes you look old. In the end, whom you choose to hang out with, makes the biggest difference in who you become.
Sadly, in South Africa we have an added problem in that having fun is
looked upon as Haraam as a result many practicing Muslims in this
country are B-O-R-I-N-G! So it is even harder to find good friends here
who are practicing yet cool and fun, but they do exist. You just have to
look in the right places, like at the Al-Kauthar courses and ILM-SA
programmes. Hang out with those crowds, you will become a better Muslim
and have an awesome time at the time!
2. Playing with kids:
I have two baby boys, two baby nieces, a baby brother, a baby cousin
and many other little people in the family and there is nothing that is
more fun to me than spending time with these innocent sweet kids and
playing with them. Children are a joy and the coolness of my eyes. On
this point, I hate people who hate kids and treat them badly, it’s
because of such people in our Masjids that many kids grow up traumatized
and hate the Masjid and Islam. That is not Islamic at all.
The prophet (peace be upon him) would play with kids even in the
Masjid, sometimes when he was in Sajdah, he would be very long because
his grandchildren were riding on his back. That’s the Sunnah not banning
the kids from the Masjid and growling at them whenever you see them!
Playing with children is part of the Sunnah methods of having fun.
One last hadith on this topic, once the prophet (Peace be upon him)
kissed his grandchildren in public, a man commented that he had ten kids
and never kissed any of them. The prophet (peace be upon him) replied,
“What can I do if Allah has removed mercy from your heart, who ever does
not show mercy will not be shown mercy,” Think about that next time you
mistreat a child.
1. Marriage and all the fun it legalizes:
Being with the opposite gender is the natural desire of every human
and it is such a situation that one has the most fun, especially if
there is love between them. Islam does not prohibit this but promotes it
in the form of marriage while prohibiting it outside of marriage. So
dump your boyfriends and girlfriends, get religious and marry a cool
religious person!
The prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) stressed the importance of marriage
many times and also stressed the importance of having a fun marriage. If
your marital life sucks, your life in general will be miserable, but if
you are happily married and enjoying it (like I am, masha’Allah) then
you can cope with every other problem you face. The prophet (peace & blessings be
upon him) has a fun marital life, he would race with his wives, have
food fights with them, joke with them. Study his life with them; he was
the perfect husband so let us all follow in his footsteps.
Once the prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) advised a young companion who
had married an elderly woman, “you should have married someone young
(like you) so that you could play with her and she could play with you”.
So what are you waiting for?
If you are married, make changes to improve your marital life and
make it a source of fun and pleasure for yourself, and if you are not
married, get married soon and have a lot of kids so that then do
everything else of this list with your wife and kids, its more fun like
that than when you are alone.
I hope you all enjoyed and benefited from this list and I hope that
it will assist you in living Halal, practicing Islam and enjoying it.
May Allah guide us all to the straight and balanced path and put the
love of Islam into our hearts.
Slightly modified article taken from
This Is very informative content i really enjoy this Article
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